Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

I couldn't be more proud of the country that I live in, and in no way have I ever been afraid to sing its praises, despite strong opposing thoughts by people I've met from all over the world.  Today is a day to commemorate the unyielding courage and determination to continually observe and celebrate the beauty of free will and liberty which has characterized these United States for centuries now.  I have so much respect for anyone who has ever served this country.  I try to say thanks to people who have served when I can, and it's so unfortunate that these men and women are sometimes seen in a bad light due to some of the goings-on of the media-centric political landscape of today.  Several weeks ago, we witnessed the celebration of the glorious culmination of the sick, twisted, thuggish life of Osama bin Laden.  A lot of people may criticize the revelry that went on at Ohio State that Sunday night.  Whatever may be said, it was done in good taste and in a spirit of patriotism.  We lived beneath the shadow of a decade of uncertainty, a continuous episode of not knowing if we were in danger of further terrorist attacks and misplaced American hatred.  That coward's death and the celebrations that went along with it mark a defining moment in the history of this great nation.  I remember hearing the announcements during my lunch period telling about what was happening on our own soil.  The silence was deafening.  Almost ten years later, so were the "U-S-A" chants, the out-of-tune but oh-so-beautiful singing of the Star-Spangled Banner in the middle of Mirror Lake, and car horn beeps and echoes of screaming patriots that littered the Spring air on that historical day almost one month ago.  To quote Michael Medved, we live in "the greatest country on God's green Earth."  I couldn't agree more.  Let's say thanks to the vets and servicemen today.  Happy Memorial Day all!


  1. Keep it up, Tyler!!! brady

  2. Good work. The "U-S-A" chants were numbing.
